
Jointhemastheyrun,jump,andslaptheirwaythrougheachworldtogethome,savetheday,anddiscoverthesecretsofthelegendarypaintings!KeyFeatures.,WhenRayman,Globox,andtheTeensiesdiscoveramysterioustentfilledwithcaptivatingpaintings,theyaresuddenlytransportedtoaseriesofmythicalnew ...,關於此遊戲...Jointhemastheyrun,jump,andslaptheirwaythrougheachworldtogethome,savetheday,anddiscoverthesecretsofthelegendaryp...

Rayman® Legends

Join them as they run, jump, and slap their way through each world to get home, save the day, and discover the secrets of the legendary paintings! Key Features.

Save 85% on Rayman® Legends ...

When Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies discover a mysterious tent filled with captivating paintings, they are suddenly transported to a series of mythical new ...

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關於此遊戲 ... Join them as they run, jump, and slap their way through each world to get home, save the day, and discover the secrets of the legendary paintings!